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Дойл Артур Конан: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Писатель: Дойл Артур КонанТематика книги: Классические детективы
Книга из серии: Sherlock Holmes short story collections, №1
Издательство: OUP General, Oxford University Press
With John Michael Gibson, he compiled the Soho Series Bibliography of A, the editor of this volume, Richard Lancelyn Green is editor of The Uncollected Sherlock Holmes and The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, although Holmes gained a reputation for infallibility, Conan Doyle showed his own realism and feminism by having the great detective defeated by Irene Adler - the woman - in the very first story, A Scandal in Bohemia, the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is the series of short stories that made the fortunes of the Strand magazine, in which they were first published, and won immense popularity for Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson.