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Crichton Michael: Pirate Latitudes
Писатель: Crichton MichaelТематика книги: Морские приключения
Издательство: Harper Collins UK
Nothing less is expected of the next book from the man who managed to make subjects such as DNA, nanotechnology and global warming both enormously popular and hugely exciting, always interesting, often controversial, Next and State of Fear put him straight back in the headlines -- and bestseller charts -- and reaffirmed his position as the thriller master, following on from the bestselling Next, Michael Crichton s new novel will repeat the winning formula established with novels such as Jurassic Park : to identify future trends in science and imagine the most astonishing -- and terrifying -- possibilities that they hold for Mankind, the new thriller from Michael Crichton, one of the most famous authors in the world, will be the most exciting, anticipated publication of Christmas 2008.