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Ritter Irina: Children of the gods
Писатель: Ritter IrinaТематика книги: Современные детективы, Современная русская литература
Возрастное ограничение: 18+
Правообладатель: Издательские решения
Объем: 170 стр.
Investigators are considering all versions, even the most fantastic, but in the city people suspect Nadia’s family. Investigators get a video, which will help to reveal that high-profile and mysterious crime, оставляйте комментарии и отзывы, голосуйте за понравившиеся.
In one of September days the head of 5 “B” class receives a call from an overwhelmed mom of schoolgirl Nadia Timofeeva: Nadia has not return from school, the case is controlled by Moscow. Volunteers even come from neighboring towns, the whole city is searching the girl.