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Binns Brian: Easy Gourmet Dishes with Brian Binns
Писатель: Binns BrianТематика книги: Кулинария, Иностранные языки, Самосовершенствование, Здоровье
Возрастное ограничение: 16+
Правообладатель: ИП Стрельбицкий
Объем: 70 стр., 62 иллюстрации
Книга Easy Gourmet Dishes with Brian Binns — скачать в fb2, txt, epub, pdf или читать онлайн, оставляйте комментарии и отзывы, голосуйте за понравившиеся. In the year 2000, he “retired “to live in Kyrenia, North Cyprus, where he writes for the local media and carries out consultancy work, he is a man with a great eye for detail.
Since then Brian has travelled throughout Europe, Russia and India, imparting his knowledge and simultaneously gaining experience of international cuisine, at the time he was a senior executive with a large national bakery group. His recipes which he has devoted many hours to perfecting are characterised by useful Technical Tips and Personal Ploys, gems which few cooks are prepared to part with, jealously guarding their secrets – but not so with Brian who willingly shares his wealth of experience with devotees of his favourite past time, the recipes in this book are some of his favourites and the result of his love and passion for food and enjoyable eating.