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Ogui Viktor: Impact of Tibetan singing bowls massage in the tradition Tsering Ngodrub on the human body
Писатель: Ogui ViktorТематика книги: Здоровье, Эзотерика, Иностранные языки
Возрастное ограничение: 6+
Правообладатель: Издательские решения
Объем: 50 стр., 29 иллюстраций
Research objective: Comprehensive assessment of influence on the recipient’s functional status of a revitalizing procedure carried out by the evaluated specialist, record No. The approbated health improvement method is the proprietary methodology of bioenergy correction: Traditional Tibetan Massage Using Resonance Bowls as per Tcering Ngodrub Tradition (Viktor Ogui) on the basis of health-improving practices applying resonance bowls, 79—14 of scientific-and-trial approbation of December 25, 2014.